Monday, September 30, 2019
HPE â⬠Tennis Research Assignment Essay
By using my knowledge and understanding of skill acquisition principles, psychology of learning and biomechanics, I have produced a six-week tennis training program. Incorporated in this report are the types of feedback used, the research laboratories carried out, and the design, analysis and evaluation of my coaching program.à Research Laboratoriesà Three research laboratories (See Appendices A, B and C) were carried out to assist in the development of my coaching program. These laboratories were on different types of feedback, the importance of accurate feedback and the use of feedback in mental rehearsal. The results from these labs provided me with a guide as to which type and the amount of feedback needed for a successful coaching program. Background Overviewà Types of Feedbackà There are many different types of feedback that can be used to enhance oneââ¬â¢s performance. Generally, ââ¬Å"the more precise the feedback, the more accurate the performance will become.â⬠(Amezdroz, G., Davis, D., Dickens, S., Hosford, G., 1999, 2001. Queensland Senior Physical Education, Macmillan Education Australia, South Yarra, Australia.) The types of feedback used in my coaching program were: Knowledge of performance-general performance ââ¬â this was used for the early stage of my coaching program when I needed a clear picture in my head to compare my actual performance with, eg. correct stance when serving. This type of feedback was provided to me by the coach, teacher and/or fellow participants in my program. I also watched my performances on video so I actually saw where I was going wrong and could then work on my motor skills. Positive feedback ââ¬â this was given when I successfully completed a task. Positive feedback encouraged me to try again and persevere with the learning. This was used throughout the whole duration of the coaching program.à Knowledge of performance-specific ââ¬â this was used in the later stage of my program. When I completed executing a movement or skill I was told on what I was doing wrong, and what to do to improve on my performance, eg. my ball toss was too low and I would therefore rush to hit the ball or simply miss it. By throwing the ball higher I give myself ample time to raise the racquet to hit the ball. Knowledge of performance gave me more detailed technical information to improve my skills. Concurrent (continuous) feedback ââ¬â this was, as the name states, a continuous form of feedback given throughout the coaching and practice sessions.à Augmented (external) feedback ââ¬â this type of feedback was provided both visually and verbally. I viewed a video of my performance and analysed what I was doing in/correct.à Design and Analysis of Coaching Programà At the beginning of my training I was at the late Cognitive stage of learning. I had little experience and knowledge of the game of tennis. During the six weeks of training I learnt and began to understand the skills needed and the rules of the game. I have now progressed through to the early Associative stage as demonstrated by my ability to effectively serve in both courts. The coaching program was based on distributive practice. This is where I would have short, practice sessions of a skill followed by a short break. For example, after doing 10 serves in both right and left court I was given a 2 minute break. During the break I would visualise in my head, the skills I had just learnt, and then the correct way to execute it. After the rest interval I would then carry out the skills. Improvements could be seen by me placing 50% of first serves and 75% of second serves in court. Whole-part learning was incorporated into the coaching program. This is when I would learn the whole skill at once, then break it down and concentrate on certain components that I was having difficulty with. Eg., learning to serve in tennis:à 1. An explanation and demonstration on how to serve the ball was givenà 2. I carried out the serve like I had been shownà 3. The serve was broken down into each skill associated with it that I was having problems with. Ie, stance, ball toss.à 4. Each skill was then learnt and completed with successà 5. All skills were then put together and a full serve was executed Mental rehearsal was also a very important factor in improving my tennis performance. By ââ¬Ëzoning outââ¬â¢ before a training session I would allow myself to block out all factors including spectators, noises, etc., and concentrate fully on the task at hand. An example of one of the main mental rehearsal activities I undertook was bouncing the tennis ball 2-4 times before serving. The research laboratories carried out gave an indication on why the types of practice and feedback I incorporated in my program would be more useful than any others. For example, a lab indicated that the more precise feedback we were given, the greater improvement we made on our performances.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Organizational Structure Paper: Bank of America Essay
Bank of America is one of the largest financial institutions not only within the U. S. but around the world as well. Its beginning rooted from a small bank called Bank of Italy that was established by Amadeo Peter Giannini and his son in San Francisco, California in 1904 (Bank of America Heritage. , 2012). At the time of establishment its initial reason of existence was to service those that were turned away from other banks; most were farmers who had come from Italy (ââ¬Å"Encyclopedia Britannica ââ¬Å", 2011). Today Bank of America provides services for almost 60 million consumers its new headquarters is now in Charlotte, North Carolina. In 1958, Bank of America was also the first to create a bank card called BankAmeriCard, which allowed customers to access their accounts and charge purchases to them as well. Corporate Structures There are different types of corporate organizational structures; vertical structures and horizontal structures. The vertical structure consists of a hierarchically structured organization where all management activities are controlled by a centralized management staff (Bateman, T.à S. , & Snell, S. A. , 2011). This is more of a traditional type of organization such as that of Bank of America that often develops strong bureaucratic control over all organizational activities. Unlike a horizontal structure which is one of decentralization of power and or control. At least within specific departments an emphasis is placed on horizontal collaboration, rather than conceiving of leadership as one person always being in control. Leadership is often shared among team leaders and members shifting to the person with the most knowledge or expertise in the matter. Within the horizontal structure there are also other types of sub organizational structures; The Functional Organization (Departmentalization around specialized activities), The Divisional Organization (units around products, customers, or geographic regions), The Matrix Organization (managers report to two superiors) and The Network Organization (independent mostly single-function firms that collaborate on a good or service), (Bateman, T. S. , & Snell, S. A. , 2011). A company such as Bank of America may determine if they have the right structure by looking at their firmââ¬â¢s activities and how well they meet their goals and those of the firmââ¬â¢s stakeholders. Bank of America Structure The initial structure for The Bank of Italy (now called Bank of America) in 1904 was comprised of its CEO (Amadeo Peter Giannini) and a small board of directors. The initial corporate structure for this entity could be described as a classic horizontal structure where the CEO occupies the top position and is the senior member of top management. The top managerial level also included a board of directors without any additional management till the bank began to expand and merge with a variety of other financial corporations. The merging of Bank of America with other corporations such as Nations Bank, Fleet Boston and Merrill Lynch amongst others that had different organizational structures created the need for the new bank to restructure its own organization (Bank of America Heritage 2012). The current structure is comprised of a CEO, CFO, COO, a board of directors and an international operations team amongst others that report directly to the CEO. Although the CEO is the leading executive; this functional organization also shows indicatives of having a divisional structure because of its departmentalization that groups units around products and geographic regions. This type of organization can be best described as a matrix organizational structure (Joseph, 2012). The matrix structure is a combination of the functional and divisional structures. The former divides departments within a company by the functions performed, while the latter divides them by products, customers or geographical location. The organizational structure used by the bank is atypical because it brings together employees and managers from different departments to work toward accomplishing a goal. A disadvantage of having a matrix organizational tructure is that it is expensive to maintain (Joseph, 2012). A companyââ¬â¢s overhead cost typically increases because of the need for double management; not that this would be a huge problem for a financial institution of this measure (Joseph, 2012). The structure is influenced by the dynamics and size of the corporation; its marketing, finance, human resources, and operations departments can also be found overseas running its international banking institutions. The matrix structure allows Bank of America to have the flexibility of a divisional structure by helping the separate divisions act almost as separate businesses or profit centers and work autonomously to accomplish the goals of the entire enterprise. While the functional structure used by large companies such as this one may organize along several different functional groupings unique to their businesses; an example is that of Bank of America, having separate management for those in charge of the international and domestic aspect of the business (Bateman, T.à S. , & Snell, S. A. 2011). Conclusion As corporations are born they are simplified in structure, as they grow and possibly merge with other corporations; there comes a time to cater to the new needs and demands of the management structure. With any corporation the foundation is always a CEO or president however how a company decides to structure and organize its employees and decision makers can be the key difference between a failing and successful company. It takes careful analyzing of the business to accurately determine which structure may best suit the organizationââ¬â¢s needs and even then it may take a few changes to find the right fit. Bank of America has come a long way from its beginnings and along the way it has been able to adapt to new structures. Part of its success comes from its organizational structure; Bank of America has thrived and become a successful financial corporation that has since conception not only helped itself but others that in times of great need was able to help finance things such as movie projects, and the construction of the golden gate bridge.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Asthma Essay With Conclusions
Asthma Essay With Conclusions Asthma is one of the major chronic respiratory conditions which alter the respiratory function of the body. The World Health Organisation or WHO (2012) defines asthma as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterised by frequent episodes of breathlessness and wheezing. This difficulty in breathing is caused by the swelling and constricting of the airways. Exposure to allergens, pollutants, cold air, infection and exercise can increase the risk of asthmatics having an attack (Funnel, Koutoukidis and Lawrence 2009). This essay will discuss on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, medical management and clinical manifestations of asthma. It will also cover the client education needed to provide for those with asthma, asthmaââ¬â¢s risk factors and its prognosis. According to the National Asthma Council of Australia or NACA (2006) more than 2.2 million Australians are suffering from asthma. This essay will therefore also describe how asthma impacts on its victims and their life style. Kaufman (2011) describes the pathophysiology of asthma as a pathologic condition which affects the lower respiratory tract by narrowing the airways as a result of epithelial damage, excessive mucus production, oedema, bronchoconstriction and muscle damage. In asthma the cells in the epithelium layer can be destroyed and peel away, making the respiratory tract more susceptible to allergens and infections, thereby contributing to airway hyper-responsiveness (Kaufman 2011). Asthma also triggers the development of mucus cells and mucus glands. This increases mucus production, thus forming mucous plugs which can obstruct the airways (Monahan et al. 2007). Airway oedema is another change that occurs in the respiratory tract due to asthma. It involves the dilation and leaking of capillaries in the airway walls which limits airflow (Kaufman 2011). Monahan et al. (2007) add that increased capillary permeability and leakage can obstruct the airways due to swelling. They also explain t hat the inflammatory agents such as histamine, tryptase, leukotriences and prostaglandins act on smooth muscles of airway walls and cause bronchoconstriction which restricts the airflow to alveoli. Brown and Edwards (2012) write that wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough are the most common clinical manifestations of asthma. They can occur especially at night and in the early morning and can vary from person to person. It is not necessary to have all the symptoms at once as different symptoms can occur at different times. According to NACA (2006) frequent cough, feeling weak, wheezing after exercise, shortness of breath and sleeping difficulties can be early signs of asthma while severe wheezing, continuous cough, rapid breathing, anxiety, chest pain, blue lips and fingernails are the symptoms of severe asthma attacks. Diagnosing asthma can be done by obtaining a detailed history, performing physical examinations, pulmonary function testing, and laboratory assessments (Ignatavicius and Workman 2010) According to Ignatavicius and Workman (2010) it is important to ask patients about any experiences of having shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, wheeze and increased mucus production as well as about their smoking habits and any family history of asthma. The same source write that physical examinations can be performed by listening to the patientââ¬â¢s chest for any wheezing sounds and observing respiratory effort by assessing the respiratory rate and examining whether the patient is using any accessory muscles to breathe. They add that the shape of the chest also needs to be examined, as a barrel-shaped chest can be a sign of prolonged asthma. In addition, the oral mucosa and nail beds need to be examined for any bluish tinge (Ignatavicius and Workman 2010).
Friday, September 27, 2019
International Human Rights Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
International Human Rights Protection - Essay Example However, with not all countries adhering to the provisions of convention with sincerity, the convention has not been able to bring about the necessary effect, and thus, discrimination of women has continued unabated even in literate and well-developed societies. The implementation of the 1979 UNGA convention was a creditable effort in bringing out human rights concerns of the female half of the humanity. The convention specified meaning of equality and also the means to achieve it. As per Article 1, discrimination has been spelt out as "any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex ... in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field." The agenda is then spread over fourteen such articles including human reproduction aspects and their rights therein. While cultural and legal status of women receives maximum attention, their rights to education, employment, economic and social activities are also critically assessed. It also declares full equality of women in civil and business matters and that any instrument restricting such legal capacity shall be null and void. Marriage, family relations and rights with regard to choice of spouse, parenthood, personal rights and command over property receive deta iled description. In reproductive function, it requires shared responsibility for child rearing, maternity protection and child care. Society's obligations in areas like provisioning of child care facilities while women performing public life have been clearly spelt out. Cultural patterns which define world as a man's world globally also need to be amended through proactive initiatives by respective societies with assistance from their governments. Essential Drawbacks The essential drawbacks in implementation of the provisions of the convention lie in the fact that while states have an obligation to implement the convention; there is no accepted way of penalising a state that willingly or unwillingly does not conform to implementation of these provisions. While states with better track record have achieved better human development in terms of lower poverty, better education or uniform laws for all citizens, most developing or undeveloped countries have failed to satisfactorily ensure women's empowerment due to lack of national will, inadequate policy implementation and deep rooted traditional issues which are dificult to tackle. While the list of difficulties being faced is too long to be included in this section, some such aspects along with specific articles of the convention are discussed in succeeding paragraphs: Traditional view of subordinate position of women in most societies has been the biggest roadblock across the world. Articles 2(f), 5 and 10 (c) relate to traditional attitudes regarding women being subordinate to men. Besides physical violence and mental torture, this also causes lower levels of education, neglected skills, unequal work opportunities and minimal political participation. These also propagate pornography and use of women as sexual objects than as individuals. Article 6 requires elimination of women trafficking and prostitution.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Arsonist motivations and methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Arsonist motivations and methods - Essay Example The person who commits arson or the arsonist has been categorized into types, degrees by statutes and socio-psychological analyses. This paper discusses this aspect as we try to shed some light to the arsonists and their motivations and methods. There is some degree of debate whether there is such a thing as a universal profile of an arsonist. Goldstein (1996) suggested a psychological profile as explained by Rider of the typical pathological fire setter in his review of literature on the subject: {An arsonist is] an individual of below average intelligence, with a history of poor academic achievement and significant school failure. He or she comes from a large family and a harsh and unstable home environment and displays a clearly troubled and inadequate social, marital, and employment history. (p. 25) In a research undertaken by Bradshaw and Huff (1985), about 52% of the arsonists surveyed burn properties out of revenge, 12% out of excitement while the rest cover those of crime concealment, for profit and those simply without reason. (p. 1-5) For this paper, we will discuss three of the most common arsonists, the arsonists who burn homes and building out of revenge, those who do for profit, out of excitement and those who burn building in order to conceal another crime. As previously explained, the most typical type of arsonist is the one who burns buildings and homes in order to get back at someone for some slight that may be real or imaginary. Somehow this is also related to arson entailing psychological disorder on the part of the arsonist such as schizophrenia which is characterized by excessive and irrational suspiciousness. Fire is used as a weapon or a defense in this case against what is perceived as a threat. According to Rossmo and Kim (2000), targets of revenge arsonist may include individual homes and vehicles, places and symbolic targets or government buildings depending of whether their motivation is to
Organizational Human Resources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organizational Human Resources - Assignment Example However an overall organizational diagnosis must be conducted to identify the needs and the areas of change. Organizational change can be defined as the initiative by the mangers to keep a constant creative, innovative and intelligent watch over the environmental forces and to audit the impact and influence on the business concerned and to find out action programs to find out appropriate strategies to maintain balance between the two different forces, controllable as well as non-controllable. The study has been conducted in lieu of analyzing the key areas of changes, dealing with the factors providing resistance to changes and the process of overcoming the changes. The study has been conducted by keeping Diamond Express, Inc and the organizational scenario of the company in mind (Goswami, 2010, p. 105). Background of the Study Diamond Express, Inc. is a two years old customer sales and service company. It has 150 employees. Very recently the senior management has hired a new HR manag er to develop a fully functional human resource department. This is a key strategic move considering the near future expansion plans of the company. Identifying Areas of Change The HR functions of the organization is scattered among individuals. This consists of some employees belonging to the administrative position looking after paper works and a management team looking after HR issues. Considering the mentioned landscape of the organization the key challenges of the newly appointed HR manager has been summed up. One of the major challenges to be faced by the manager is to achieve centralization. HR functioning is a very much core and specialized area. Therefore the company must have a fully functional HR department to look after the core areas. Therefore the manager may hire some HR executives to look after the core areas such as recruitment, payroll processing, performance management, etc. Also these executives act as a touch point to various departments. The employees looking a fter the admin work can also be a part of the HR department forming HR and admin division. This recommendation has been provided based on the assumption that the organization has the budget to afford recruitment new executives. Another challenge to be faced by the new HR manager is to keep a high morale among the employees. The hiring of a new manager may make some the employees to raise a few eye brows. This may lead to negative organizational grape vines lowering the moral of the employees. This may create insecurity among the employees and lead to attrition. Therefore the best way to avoid such unwanted circumstances is to communicate properly with the employees to build an environment of trust and employee engagement to ensure retention. As the management as well as the HR manager wants to achieve organizational change it is imperative for the employees to understand the role and responsibilities. Therefore the Hr manager must make sure that detailed Job descriptions are prepare d across the all departments. The HR manager should entrust the responsibility to the executives looking after different departments. The executive should carry out a job interview for specific job holders to prepare a detailed and appropriate job description. Along with job description the employees should be provided the KRA or key result areas, so that the employees can understand the parameters
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Argument - Essay Example According to US constitution, every citizen irrespective of their age, gender, race, culture, etc has the right to live. No one is allowed to take the life of the other person. Therefore, it is illegal for any person irrespective of the profession to decide whether the other person will live or not. With the current stressing condition, legalizing the practice will increase the number of euthanasia cases. When patients are undergoing intense pain and suffering, they are likely to make wrong decisions which are regrettable. Therefore, assisted suicide is unethical because it gives a person who is of unsound mind an opportunity to make critical decisions on their assistance. As a result, the practice should be legalized. Allowing assisted suicide in our hospitals will lead to an increase in the cases of negligence. Currently, the number of negligence cases in our health facilities is alarming. Therefore, allowing physicians to terminate the life of people suffering from terminal diseases will reduce the accountability levels. The health providers will get an escape route in case they make mistakes that could have otherwise been avoided. According to our religious beliefs, only God has the power to take the life of a person. Therefore, assisted suicide is not ethical because it provides a person with the right to kill. In addition, such laws will even make patients who are not suffering from terminal diseases to prefer to undergo voluntary euthanasia instead of fighting the disease to the end. In many cases, the health providers have been faced with dilemmas on either to save one person especially during giving birth. However, some cases ends up being successful with both lives having been saved. However, if euthanasia is legalized, health providers will not give a try to solve such dilemmas. This will lead to increased deaths that could have otherwise been avoided. Many people in the society fear suffering. With the number of people suffering from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Critically examine the European Court of Justice (ECJ)s concept of Essay
Critically examine the European Court of Justice (ECJ)s concept of supremacy of EC Law with the aid of case examples - Essay Example 7). For example, Member States are required to ensure that all of their Treaty commitments are fulfilled and must not ââ¬Å"jeopardise the attainment of the objectives of this Treatyâ⬠(TFEU, art. 10). The EC Treaty also confers responsibility on the ECJ to ensure that the Treaty is interpreted and applied for the enforcement of Community law (TFEU, art. 220). The ECJ established the concept of supremacy in Van Gend en Loos v Netherlands (1963) by enunciating two main principles of Community law: direct effect of Community Law in Member States and supremacy of Community law over the national laws of Member States. The ECJ stated that Community law has establishing a new ââ¬Å"legal orderâ⬠under which Member States have voluntarily surrendered their sovereignty (Van Gend en Loos v Netherlands, 1963, see also Costa, 1964). The UK does not acknowledge the surrender of sovereignty, but instead adheres to a dualist constitutional system. Monalism states automatically incorporate international law into national systems (Schutze, 2012). EC supremacy in the UK is only acknowledged via an Act of Parliament and thus firmly establishes and reinforces Parliamentary sovereignty in the UK. For instance, Lord Denning MR, in anticipation of signing the EC Treaty noted that the UK did not specifically take notice of treaties. It would only take notice of treaties that are embodied in a statute enacted by Parliament (Blackburn v AG 1971). Thus, the UK acknowledges that treaty law is only applied by an act of Parliament not by the direct application of treaty law (Aust, 2008). For example, the European Community Act 1972 (ECA) provides that the EC Treaty will be given ââ¬Å"legal effectâ⬠in the UK ââ¬Å"without further enactmentâ⬠and all national laws must be interpreted in such a way as to give effect to Community law (ECA ss. 2(1) and 2(4)). Even so, when applying Community law, the UK will not apply
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Texting with shortcut Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Texting with shortcut - Essay Example Young individuals have developed various acronyms or shortcuts for the purpose of text messaging. They have a shortcut for almost even word in the English dictionary in order to use them in their text messages. For example: they use ââ¬Å"143â⬠in order to refer to the phrase ââ¬Å"I love youâ⬠and they use the shortcut ââ¬Å"lolâ⬠to refer to ââ¬Å"laugh out loudâ⬠(Cennamo 258). They assert that the use of shortcuts, alternative words, and symbols is very convenient since it delivers relevant message in a brief and concise manner. Moreover, texting with shortcut enables users to convey their message without having to stop whatever they were doing. This allows the users to address other tasks and emergencies. The mobility of this idea equally enables users to communicate from any location with access to mobile phone signals. Texting with shortcut defines a unique identity adopted by the young generation for socialization purposes (Telegraph Media Group Limite d 1). The availability of technological devices like smartphones has made it possible for the young and old to access and use texting with shortcut. As such, texting with shortcut has become the most prominent mode of communication between friends, colleagues, and family members. The proponents of this idea note claim that it has played an important role in restoring the significance of writing. Subject to its prominence and merits, some companies are using texting with shortcut for advertisements. Texting with shortcuts is a behavior that should be discouraged by teachers, parents as well as students because it disrupts the formal way of writing, it decreases a studentââ¬â¢s ability to express themselves and even decreases the quality of communication that takes place between different individuals. However, many people including me are against the idea of texting with shortcut especially among the young generation that are students. Despite the perceived
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Becoming a Police Officer Essay Example for Free
Becoming a Police Officer Essay Although being a police officer can be stressful, it can also be highly rewarding if public service is important to you. (Kara, 1999) When becoming a Police Officer, you are making a commitment to protect your community even if it means giving your life to do it. Despite what some people may think every police officer does their job they way they do it to make sure that your families are safe every night. Just like any job out there now a days you have to have an education. To be a police officer most places are now requiring a two degree. Going beyond a two year degree usually leaves you the opportunity to progress in your field of choice allowing for more job options. Being a Police Officer means that you have to first meet the requirements set forth by the department with which you are applying, have the unique set of skills to do your job efficiently, and you have to have the willingness to further your education to go further in your career. To be successful as a Police Officer there are some characteristics that you need. Some of these characteristics include having a level head, being able to think quickly on your feet, and have the ability to work well under pressure. You have to be able to work well with little to no supervision. This is a skill you need when working undercover and in the field. It is also important that you have self-confidence, and confidence in your ability to make decisions and take the lead in what could be a risky situation. Leadership skills are also important because the people of the community look to you to be able to solve issues and crime related issues. Having the capabilities to be a leader comes very important in the job as an officer. The whole community depends upon your ability to be a leader in their eyes. Itââ¬â¢s highly important to have the ability to stay calm in highly stressful situations. If you are unable to stay calm in high pressure situations and emotional intense situations it will become hard for you to as an officer to function on a daily basis. Having patience (which can be difficult at times) and a good set of morals are also important skills an officer must have. An officer must be able to handle situations with patience and good communication skills. These come very handy while interviewing a suspect or even dealing with issues in the community. Having a good set of morals are important because as an officer of the law you must set the example and follow the laws yourself and not believe that you can get away with everything because you are above the law, because you are not. You are an enforcer of the law, so to enforce the law upon others you must also obey the laws yourself. You also should have a good sense of right and wrong to be able to encourage good behavi or to the public. The basic requirements to be a police officer are usually about the same, because most follow the civil service regulations when hiring officers. These requirements would include: Being a United States citizen, you have to be at least twenty-one years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent education, possess a valid driverââ¬â¢s license, and have no prior convictions. Now these are just the basics, most departments generally have more requirements, for example a lot of departments now require that you have at least an associateââ¬â¢s degree in criminal justice. Before you can begin working in a department as an officer you are generally required to attend a police academy which you must complete and pass to be qualified as a Police Officer. When you go through the police academy you are generally there from twelve to fourteen weeks, while there you must pass a physical fitness and written exam. While at the police academy educational wise, you will learn state ordinances and local laws, working with the public, constitutional laws, accident investigation, incident reporting, civil rights, mental preparation for hostility, and criminal psychology. Like most jobs you can learn all you want about a job but, you learn best by doing. Because police jobs are dangerous jobs they require specific training to succeed in the field. Work experience is done under the supervision of a training officer. The on the job training includes: using firearms, responding to emergencies, controlling traffic, CPR and first-aid, self-defense techniques, apprehension techniques, risk assessment, and role playing. All training is essential to be the best you can be at being an officer. All the training that is endured is important for you to be the person the community needs you to be. There are several opportunities for advancement in law enforcement. The police force ranking is clearly structured and goes as followed: Police constable, sergeant, inspector, chief inspector, superintendent, chief superintendent, assistant chief constable, deputy chief constable, and chief constable. Police constables have to complete a two year probationary period before they can be eligible for higher ranking. When the probationary period is over police constables are then able to apply for specialist units such as the fraud squad, fire arms, drug squad, child protection, criminal investigation department (CID) traffic, mounted branches, dog handlers, and underwater search units. Becoming a police officer is a process; you are tested physically and mentally. Being a police officer is an important job because those people are there for you, your family, and the community. Not only is education a requirement to being a police officer, but furthering that education will open up more opportunities in that field. To be a police officer it takes a number of skills to be the best you can be at your job. References AGCAS. (2012, January). Police officer career development. Retrieved from Education Portal. (2003). Police officer: Educational requirements for police officers. Retrieved from What type of person can succeed in law enforcement. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Friday, September 20, 2019
Types of Threats and Prevention in Networking
Types of Threats and Prevention in Networking TASK 4 TASK4 (1) Major types of threats There are heap of threat in the networking or which can be the internal and external. Here I will explain both these threats below; Internal Threat: USB devices: The biggest reason of internal threat is USB devices; according to one of the survey over 35% organizations believe that these devices were actually used for stealing or compromising the important information. Missing of security agent: Each organization has to install some agents on their endpoints. The work of these agents is to monitor the network traffic and various other things. If these agents are out of date then our data is not secure. (cook, 2007) External threat: Peer to peer sharing: These programs are also responsible for stealing the data to the network. Similarly with the peer to peer program, we can connect one device to another device and can check whole the data of another computer Device on the loose: One of the other reasons might be the when we lose our thing. If all the information is in that device so anybody who found the device can stole the data easily. Malware: This may also be the reason of external threat. As we probably know that malware comes from internet from some bad sites, therefore if malware enter in our device, then in some way they access or device. TASK 4 (B) Network security attacks Network security attack: These are few codes that can damage our codes as well steal the data as well. Some of the network threat is characterized below:- DoS: Its also known as denial of service assault. Basically form the name it is clear that it assault our system. Teardrop attack, Exploit limitations in the TCP/IP protocols are few of the DoS attacks. We can utilize programming to dispose of these DoS. DDos: Distributed Denial of Service attack is an attempt to make the service unavailable by huge with traffic. It overwhelming it from so many sources. It always targets the essential resources from various important sites. Unauthorized access: Unauthorized access means it access the network or without any permission. That unauthorized person can steal or delete the data. In addition to that he can also misuse the information. Thats why we have to increase the security. Data theft and loss: Data theft is basic process of stealing the data. The stealing can be from the system or from the server where it is stored. To happening this we have to increase the security. Physical attack: Physical attack is in any physical form where the information can be damage. For instance, any natural climates such as earthquake, flood or anything else. In addition to this it also cover any physical harm cause by the mankind like whether the server is destroyed or something else. TASK 5 TASK 5- Network threat mitigation techniques Firewall: Firewall is a network security system. It acts as a barrier between networks. It stops the virus to enter in our device. So we can say that its a better way to secure our data. It only gives access to authorized sites. The standard specification of a firewall is listed below:- Anti-spam Anti-virus Anti-spoofing Anti-phishing Anti-spyware Denial of service protection The other categories is end user control feature User based filtering Individual spam scoring Personal allow and block list Simplified and centralized administration Multilingual user interface Barracuda energizes update Logs and graphic report No per user charges Multiple domain (Barracuda Spam Virus Firewall) IDPS (Intrusion detection and prevention): It main work is to analyze the traffic for suspicious type of activities. Whenever there is something unexpected it gives sign to the network administrator which can move to end The standard specification of IDP is listed below:- Frequency Required 50/60 Hz INTERFACE PROVIDED Type Network host Interface Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T Connector Type RJ-45 NETWORKING Features Diff Server support, DoS attack prevention, High Availability, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Quality of Service (QoS), built-in hardware bypass Data Link Protocol Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet Performance Throughput: 300 Mbps RAM Installed Size (Juniper Networks IDP 250 security appliance) Anti-virus: Anti-virus is the program which detect the virus and delete it. We can remove malware, including worms, spyware and adware with the help of anti-virus. The standard specification of Anti-virus is listed below:- Stop unknown threats with artificial intelligence Layered protection with next generation technologies Symantecs global intelligence Reduce bandwidth usage Patented real time cloud Access control: This is the method which we utilize to manage the access of the user. Due to this we can create limit for the user, which is very helpful for the networking. There are two types of access control physical and logical. Standard specification The standard access controls the physical and the logical security as well. Simple to manage. Provide the best security. Physical security: Physical security is the outside security which may help to keep the networking from the outside resources. It covers some of area, and very useful. Standard specification Strong walls Strong locks CCTVs Security guard Strong password: Strong password protects our information from stealing. It can also protect our data from the hackers. A strong password contain varieties of thing like pattern, retina scan many of the things. Standard specification Pattern lock Retina scan Voice scanner Finger scanner TASK 6 TASK 6- SCENARIO In the above scenario there is discussion about the principle of information security between two companies AA and YY who are partner in the nuclear project. Before claiming anything fist we have to study the basic principle of the information. Confidentially: It basically refers to the privacy. It is design to check or save the essential data from some of the participant and other persons. Sometime in the big organizations if the data is very essential, then they provide the training to the person to make the information of confidentially stronger. More things which they add to make it more safe is to set the password. Because it will give the better security to the information. So basically if two or more organizations are working on the same project, then a one company cannot indicates the information without the agreement of the other companies. Availability: Availability is called to give every significant thing which is needed for the project. For instance, if they need any other help then its duty to provide them these help. Like if two organizations are working on the similar project and one of the companies has availability of data which second company needed then it is responsible of the company to give that data to his partner, so they can complete their task easily. Integrity: Integrity is known as to provide the correct data, if it is coming from one person to another. To make it better we can use the encryption so data may not be lost TASK 7 TASK 7- Role of cryptography in securing communication Cryptography is the term which we use to secure the data. It changes the message into an unreadable format and this message called the cipher text. Just the person who has the access to decrypt that message will able to read and understand the message. Sometime code breaking should be possible by some of the peoples. Nowadays, as all the major discussion occurs on the internet so the security of the internet communication is very important. For this reason the cryptography is used. It protects few things like credit card details and e-mails. It gives end to end encryption so if we are sending message over the internet to some person we can send it safely. TASK 8 Task 8-Major types of cryptography There are three major cryptography schemes which are explained below:- Symmetric cryptography: A symmetric cryptography is that where both sender and user utilize the similar key for the encrypting and decrypting the message. It is the quicker cryptography as compare to another one, but each party have to swap the keys for decoding the message. Asymmetric cryptography: Its called the public key cryptography. It utilizes two different keys to encrypt and decrypt the message which is known as public and private keys. Hash function: It takes the set of the keys and maps to the value of certain length. It shows the original sequence of the character, while if it is smaller than the original. Whereas, we can say that it take message as the input and provide a fix size string in the return. This string also called hash value, message digest, digital fingerprint. References Barracuda Spam Virus Firewall. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cook, R. (2007, june 19). Securing the Endpoints: The 10 Most Common Internal Security Threats. Retrieved from CIO: gameboyrom. (2007, july 24). What is a LAN modem? Retrieved from DSL reports: How to connect the word. (n.d.). Retrieved from Juniper Networks IDP 250 security appliance. (n.d.). Retrieved from C|NET:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
5 Modes Of Transportation :: essays research papers
5 Modes of Transportation à à à à à In order to have easy mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary to have a sophisticated and widespread transportation system. This system is made up of five primary areas of transportation, which are: - Motor vehicles - Railroad transportation - Air transportation - Water transportation - Pipelines Each of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up the system. Each mode is used to transport persons or goods, but in many instances, one mode may be favored over the others. All five modes require some primary source of funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. These funds may come from a number of different places such as the federal government, state, or the city through which the system runs. Different government agencies have jurisdiction over the modes. These agencies focus on maintaining and improving safety of each system. The individual states also have certain obligations to the operation and regulation of the different modes of transportation. à à à à à Each mode is made up of primary subsystems. The subsystems of railroad transportation include freight trains and passenger trains. Freight trains are used to transport goods and materials between cities while passenger trains are used to transport people. Although freight trains are still used all across the nation, rail intercity freight has accounted for a decreasing share of the total ton mileage over the past 30 years. This is mostly due to the increase in truck transport. Rail passenger traffic had also declined over the years until better service was offered by Amtrak and the price of fuel increased. Much of the decline in rail passenger traffic has been due to the increasing number of air passengers. à à à à à Air transport can also be divided into the subsystems of passenger and freight transport. Passenger air travel has rapidly increased over the years due to: - Increasing Gross National Product - Increasing wealth of the middle-income groups - Increasing number of nonprimary industry in the economic system - Increasing amount of general aviation - Improved technology The areas for air transport of express and freight and mail has also increased rapidly over the years. This is due mostly to improved technology which has steadily lowered the cost of air transport. à à à à à Like rail and air transport, water transportation can also be broken down to passenger and freight transport. Passenger transportation by water only accounts for a very small percentage of water transport because it is very slow and relatively inconvenient for most people. This is primarily used by people for vacation purposes. Most often, water transport is used for freight movement of items that are bulky and of low cost per unit volume.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Body For Life by Bill Phillips Essay -- Health Fitness Diet
1. Body For Life 2. Author Bill Phillips, is the chief editor of Muscle Media Magazine and a fitness guru. Dedicating his life to physical fitness, Phillipsââ¬â¢ work is known universally throughout the world of bodybuilding and nutrition. Phillips is also an executive officer of EAS (Engineered and Applied Sciences), the leader in sports nutrition and supplementation. Along with his professional business background, Phillips is a certified personal trainer, whose teaching is acknowledged world-wide. 3. Copyright 1999 4. Published by Harper Collins Publishers 5. The intended audience of this book is anyone, and everyone, ages 18 and up, who want to change the way they feel, think, and live! 6. The purpose of this diet is to help people attain the body that they always wished for. Itââ¬â¢s meant to help lose weight in a healthy fashion, while incorporating another helpful weight-loss method, physical activity. This type of diet incorporates working out as well as balanced healthy nutrition. 7. The main principle of the Body For Life Diet is consuming portions of healthy foods, instead of having the burden of counting calories, and weighing foods. Participants eat six smaller meals a day, each containing a "portion" of carbohydrates and proteins. A portion is measured as the size of the palm of your hand. So, an equivalent size of chicken is a breast the size of your hand. These meals are spaced out over equal time periods. Consuming six smaller meals speeds up your metabolism, because your body doesnââ¬â¢t get a chance to stop digesting. Also, incorporated in the meals are two to four servings of vegetables or salads. Water is also a major factor in the diet. 8. Here is a sample day in the Body For Life program: 8am- Glass of cold water, Egg Omelet (1 whole egg, 4 egg whites) w/salsa, a regular sized banana. 11am- Glass of cold water, Turkey Sandwich with lettuce and honey mustard on wheat bread. 2pm- Myoplex Strawberry Cream Protein Shake. 5pm- Glass of cold water, salad with fat-free dressing, portion of lean pork loin, green beans, and an apple. 8pm- Glass of cold water, salad with fat-free shredded cheese, sliced chicken breast, salsa, and baked tortilla chips. 11pm- Myoplex Cinnamon-Swirl Protein shake. 9. The estimated number of kcal for this program is going to depend upon the size of your body. In my case, for the 3 weeks that ... ...s products. Its takes a lot to have me believe in a product, and his is one that I believe in totally. As far as a writer, Phillips does an excellent job of making it seem that he is talking directly to you as an individual while you read the Body For Life book. The book is quick, easy to read, and inspiring. The way Phillips writes it, he will hook you into reading the whole thing in one night. 15. On a final note, I would urge anyone, thatââ¬â¢s right anyone, who is unsatisfied with the way they look, feel, or live to give this program a try. I tried it and now I too am a believer. A good thing about this program is your not alone. About 100,000 people have transformed their lives with this program this year! Any information that someone needs about this program can be found on the Body For Life web site (given in section 10). On the site you can find everything from inspirational pieces, pictures, to actual daily postings of people who are on the program. So Iââ¬â¢ll say it again, if you want to change your body and your life, give this program a try, its the best thing you could Bibliography Bill Phillips. Body For Life, 1999, Harper Collins Publishers Word Count: 1277
The Korean War Essay -- South Korean History
The Korean War began on June 25th, 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea. On June 27th, 1950, American United Nations forces intervened to stop the advance. This action has positively and negatively affected both the United States and Korea. Deciding to aid South Korea in the Korean War has drastically changed the lives of many people. In 1949, China fell into Mao Zedongââ¬â¢s communist forces. More than 500 million Chinese and 220 million soviets lived under communist rule. Japan ruled Korea from 1905 until the end of World War 2. Most Americans had barely even heard of Korea. After World War 2, Korea was divided into North and South (Brownstone and Franck p.238). On June 25th, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. North Korea wanted to unify itself with South Korea and create one Korea. North Korea believed a communist government was the most beneficial government to live under. But South Korea disagreed with them. The 38th parallel is the border that divided North and South Korea (Snippets, 2011). The 38th parallel divided the capitalist Southern part of Korea and the communist Northern part of Korea (Hickey, 2010). During the Korean War, the United States had two presidents. Harry Truman was president when it began in 1950, and Dwight Eisenhower was elected in 1952. The president of South Korea during this time was Syngman Rhee (Hickey, 2010). Koreaââ¬â¢s biggest problem has always been the lack of resources. Even today, the limited natural resources and small population have deprived them of being a more powerful nation (Snippets, 2011). China entered the war on October 19th, 1950 (Korean, 2011). General MacArthur sent American troops deep into the South. United State Senators went on television and radio and demanded that ... ...e more power. The war between North and South Korea paused with an armistice signed on July 27th, 1953. Sending troops to fight in the war illustrates the United Statesââ¬â¢ loyalty to South Korea, and this action has positively affected the United States, Korea, and many other countries. Deciding to aid South Korea in the Korean War has drastically changed the lives of many people. The world would be a lot different if the Korean War never occurred. The United States and China wouldnââ¬â¢t be rivals. Also, there wouldnââ¬â¢t be any hostility between North and South Korea, and the 38th parallel wouldnââ¬â¢t exist. However, the Korean War has created a strong bond between South Korea and the United States. The Korean War was also the first war in which blacks and whites fought alongside each other in the American Armed Forces and the war was a learning experience for the world.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Free Post Secondary Education in Canada Essay
ââ¬Å"Our young people see a mountain of debt due to the cost of books, room and board, and tuition. Thirty percent of our young people choose not to finish high school. â⬠This is what Raj Sherman, an Alberta Liberals leader stated recently in an article of the Calgary Sun while tackling the issue of ââ¬Å"Free Post-Secondary Educationâ⬠. Everybody wants to be educated for free after high school, and many countries offer it, so why not Canada? It is possible to have free post-secondary education in Canada; it would fit like a glove in our system. I will explain how and why it should be done, and what limitations will be set in order to make the system work. My reasons are; one, Canada will get more out of what they put in, two, Canada has an aging population and a newer younger workforce is required, and three, Canada needs to be a nation that makes education top priority for the future growth of our country. Firstly, free post-secondary education should be offered because as a country Canada will get more out of what it puts in. You may ask; how will free post-secondary education be possible in a country where so many perks are given to the citizens, but fear not as I have the answer to that. There is a ââ¬Å"Fair Taxâ⬠system that the leaders in Alberta are trying to impose on the province where by 2025 there would be free post-secondary education. ââ¬Å"It will start off by slashing tuition by $250 for each student, and start to invest a portion of resource revenues in trust funds for post-secondary education through a ââ¬Å"Fair Taxâ⬠â⬠(Maimann 1). The ââ¬Å"Fair Taxâ⬠system is basically a trust fund for post-secondary education, where the Albertans with incomes greater than $100,000 per year, and big companies pay more in provincial taxes which will be put into a fund thatââ¬â¢s put towards making post-secondary education free. This ââ¬Å"Fair Taxâ⬠system is similar to that of Norwayââ¬â¢s which has had a huge success with offering free education. Norway began it in 1996, and has grown it to $550 million dollars in the time span of 16 years. If this ââ¬Å"Fair Taxâ⬠system is implemented into all of Canada and not just Alberta we can see more results than Norway in a much shorter time. Canada has a lot of different industries from forestry, to mining, to oil production, even fishing, and all these resources could help Canada in its mission to offer free education to the students in Canada. Furthermore by giving free post-secondary education Canada will not limit hundreds of thousands of students from reaching their complete potential. Many students might have the intelligence to go far, but not have the flexibility financially to assist them there, in which not only is the student affected, but Canada is missing out as well on some of the best candidates for future jobs. Canada can get the best of the best for those jobs by offering free post-secondary education, but not for everyone. This is where limits come in, and Canada gives the free education only to those who meet the specific requirements grades wise for each program. That way money isnââ¬â¢t wasted on people who wonââ¬â¢t commit to the programs, or wonââ¬â¢t be able to complete those programs. Canada will become for economically stable as the workforce will have very highly skilled and educated workers, and no talent is missed out on so as a country weââ¬â¢ll be basically hitting two birds with one stone. This is one reason why Canada should offer free post-secondary education. Secondly, free post-secondary education should be offered because Canada has an aging population and a newer younger workforce is required. Canadaââ¬â¢s most recent baby boom was during the years 1940-1965. The babies from then are now all slowly going into retirement as the youngest are in their late 40ââ¬â¢s. All of these employees will soon go into retirement and a whole new workforce consisting of younger individuals is needed, and having a free post-secondary education system will allow Canada to have that new workforce made of the best possible candidates for each duty. This free educational system for those students that can show required marks from high school for the course they want will give Canada a limitless amount of fresh talent for its own use. If this ââ¬Å"free post-secondary educationâ⬠system cannot be instilled in the coming years, itââ¬â¢d still be of great use for the students in high school right now; as they would most likely have a family to support by the year 2025 which Calgary projects to be the year post-secondary education is completely free in Alberta. That way they wonââ¬â¢t have to worry about bringing kids into the world and not being able to support them later on because their education will be free all their kids have to do is work hard and earn their grades. Recently the mayor of Saint Johnââ¬â¢s stated in an article by CBC News; ââ¬Å"When I taught high school three years ago, most people were saying they werenââ¬â¢t going to have children because they couldnââ¬â¢t afford to educate them. â⬠This shows that a lot of students nowadays are planning on not having children as they wonââ¬â¢t be able to afford to educate them, therefore letting them down as parents. So to stop the future suffering of in debt children they decide to just not have kids at all. Stats Can statistics reveal that the population of Saint Johnââ¬â¢s fell by 0. 2% between 2001 to 2006. In this same article the following is stated, ââ¬Å"The mayor of Saint John is urging the provincial government to offer free tuition as a way to spur on a baby boom after the latest demographic portrait of the southern city shows it is not growing very quickly (ââ¬Å"CBC Newsâ⬠1) If this were to be true Canada could have another baby boom similar to the one in the mid 1900ââ¬â¢s, and itââ¬â¢ll be because of free post-secondary education, these new babies are the future of our country, and supplying them with the best possible education we will be bettering our future work force. Canada should stop acting like blind bats and take the free post-secondary education into consideration because the demographics of Canada could be impacted in a very positive way if free education was offered. This is yet another reason why Canada should offer free post-secondary education. Lastly, free post-secondary education should be offered because Canada has to be a nation that gives education the uppermost priority to improve the future development of our country. By giving education the superiority over anything else in the country we will have a positive chain effect on our country. By giving it the top priority we will be enhancing our workforce and adding the best workers possible for each job, not only that, but with a really blooming, and bright workforce our economy will be able to grow and compete with larger countries with a lot more capital than us. This will improve our country and give it an even higher position on the map, by moving up from being just a ââ¬Å"Middle-Power Countryâ⬠. This free post-secondary education doesnââ¬â¢t only have a positive chain effect on our economy, but it also has a good effect on bettering the citizens of Canada because by having more highly educated people, theyââ¬â¢re more likely to vote, and can make more informed decisions in life making them better citizens for our country. The citizens of Canada will also be better off in life with this free post-secondary education and will not have to depend on the government as a high percentage of people already do. Also giving people a free post-secondary education will result in a lot more social progress, and all progress depends on knowledge, which they will be obtaining through the free post-secondary education programs. Making education top priority is a good reason why Canada should offer free post-secondary education. Now you may argue about the fact that even if you do pay this new amount of tax, what difference would it make if the students donââ¬â¢t take it seriously since itââ¬â¢s free education. Well to counter that, there will be limitations set on the free education given. If you meet the grade requirements for the certain course you want to take then you will be able to enroll into it and only if youââ¬â¢re a top candidate will you be given an opportunity at that course with free post-secondary education. If not, then another program that suites your educational needs will be given to you for free, through this the best of the best will be chosen and given opportunities in each type of job, whether it be a spot in Med or Law school, University, or College, if you meet the specified requirements you will be accepted and given the free education. Not only that but the tax payers themselves will most likely have a family of their own, in which it consists of someone related to you having to go get a post-secondary education, and instead of paying for the tuition, dorms, and books you just have an increase in taxes. Now who wouldnââ¬â¢t want a free education? A lot of issues can be tackled with a free post-secondary education in tact in our system, which is why Canada should offer free post-secondary education. In conclusion, many arguments could be made against the ââ¬Å"Freeâ⬠post-secondary education policy if passed by Canada, but all of those arguments would be overshadowed by the ââ¬Å"Forâ⬠arguments for this specific topic. A free post-secondary education will have a much better effect on Canada in all aspects not just economically but for the citizens themselves. Tackling many issues and bringing Canada back on top of the ââ¬Å"Best Places To Liveâ⬠list where we once were, but are now overtaken by many countries, which include Norway, Sweden, and Denmark in the top 5, all countries that offer ââ¬Å"Freeâ⬠post-secondary education. The world is like a stage, each country must shine and out do the other country to be recognized the best country on Earth. By thinking all the facts over, it would in fact be more effective for Canada to offer free post-secondary education in order to arvest more complete workers into our workforce, and bettering our country economically. Opportunity knocks on Canadaââ¬â¢s door; to turn it into an even better country than it already is, now itââ¬â¢s up to us to take complete advantage of something like this. To conclude, Canada would be a much better country in all aspects if free education was implemented into our system, it would take a wise fool not to add such a perk. For all facts and proof stated Canada should offer free post-secondary education.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Hong Kong Today
Liberal Studies F4 Second termââ¬âHong Kong Today ? Indicators used to understand poverty in HK ? ? ? ? Income Health Education ? ? ? Living conditions Employment Community / family support Section 1ââ¬âPoverty Disparity / discrepancy between rich and poor ? Gini coefficient ââ¬â Range from 0 to 1 0 = income distribution is absolute equal 1 = income distribution is absolute unequal ? Challenges faced by poor people ? Employment ââ¬â usually contract staff, low income, lack labour protection ? ? ? ? Support ââ¬â limited support channels from government Living standard ââ¬â X fulfill basic needs (eg. ealthcare service) Intergenerational poverty Relationship no family time ? marital / familial conflicts ? Disadvantaged groups ? Men vs. Women ââ¬â do housework + child care ? HK citizens vs. New arrivals less assistance from government discrimination (reduces HK citizensââ¬â¢ job opportunities) ? ? CSSA: Comprehensive Social Security Assistance HK government ââ¬âpositive non-interventionist approach ( ) ? ? ? A regulator rather than a provider of welfare programmes Free market / trade policy ? Minimal government intervention Low taxation system Liberal Studies F4 Second termââ¬âHong Kong Today Section 2ââ¬âQuality of Life ?Measuring QoL ? Dimensionsââ¬âeconomic; social; political; cultural; environmental ? Objective indicators (statistical data) ââ¬â Income; wealth gap ââ¬â Social welfare; life expectancy ââ¬â Electoral system; voter turnout rate ââ¬â Variety of cultural activities; museums; libraries ââ¬â Living space; air pollution index Subjective indicators (peopleââ¬â¢s feelings) ? Satisfaction with economy / income Satisfaction with public health, freedom of speech, welfare Satisfaction with governmentââ¬â¢s performance Perceived human rights enjoyed Satisfaction with cultural environment, diversity Satisfaction with living / natural environment Obstacles to better QoL in HK ? HK has a per vasive culture of long working hours ? Stay until boss leaves ? Not much emphasis on importance of work-life balance ? Constant reaffirmation of good working ethics ? ? Life chances are determined by individual efforts Weak collective bargaining power between workers ? Strategies used in promoting labour rights ? ? ? Legislation and enforcement Management and regulation Education and publicity ? ? Public engagement Research ? Organisations and treaties ? International Labour Organisation (ILO) ? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) ?The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) ââ¬â Right of everyone to enjoyment of just & favourable conditions of work ââ¬â Safe and healthy working conditions ââ¬â Rest, leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours Liberal Studies F4 Second termââ¬âHong Kong Today Section 3ââ¬âRule of law ? Rule of Law ? All individuals are equal in front of law ? Government should act in accordance with its established statutes ( ) ? ? ? Both the government and the citizens must act according to such statutes The independence of the judiciary institution is guaranteed to maintain rule of lawHow to ensure judicial independence ( ) ? ? Way of appointing judges should be away from external pressure Constitutions ( ) should be written for and monitored by people ? Rule of law is actualization of constitutional democracy ? Principles of rule of law (remember!! ) ? Everyone is equal before the law ? Government should act in accordance to the law ? The law should not have retroactive effect ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Judicial independence The law clauses should be simple and easy to understand The law clauses should not be self-contradictory Filing an appeal ( ) is allowed Judicial review ( is allowed Legal aid is offered Should go through sufficient public consultation Assume innocence before conviction / proven guilty Law should be the lowest limit to protect individual freedom *** Police p ower should be limited under rule of law ? Functions of LegCo ? Enact ( ) laws ? ? ? Control public expenditure Monitor the work of government Unfairness of District Council elections ? Not all DC members are elected directly by voters ? Some DC members are appointed by Chief Executive ? Presence of ex-officio members ( ) Liberal Studies F4 Second termââ¬âHong Kong Today Section 3ââ¬âRule of law ?Functional Constituencies ? Rationale for introducing FCs ââ¬â To use their professional knowledge for the benefit of the public by helping people ? analyse problems Reason to maintain FCs ââ¬â To ensure balanced participation ? people, government and business sector / FCs should play an equal part in decision-making Contradiction between ââ¬Å"balanced participationâ⬠and ââ¬Å"direct electionâ⬠ââ¬â Representatives of government and FCs are not directly elected by people Fundamental flaws of FCs ââ¬â Not directly elected by people ââ¬â Distrust by p eople at the beginning ââ¬â Emphasise too much on their own interests ?Often oppose to motions supported by directly elected GC members ââ¬â An obstacle to motions that are beneficial to general public Corporate votes ââ¬â Encourage corporate welfare ââ¬â Represent only interests of certain groups instead of whole sector ââ¬â Profitability of businesses often depends on government licenses, regulations, subsidies government count on support of business interests in LegCo and CE elections ? ? ? ? ? Not all practitioners working in the sector / industry can vote Split voting system ? Motions supported by GCs are often opposed by FCs ? Promote favouritism towards business sector / government?Criteria for democratic electoral system ? Principle of universality ( ) ? Principle of equality ( ) Electoral Affairs Commission ( ) ? Ensure that elections are carried out in a fair, open and honest manner ? ? ? Geographical Constituency has a broader electoral base (no. of r egistered voters) than Functional Constituency Liberal Studies F4 Second termââ¬âHong Kong Today ? Chief Executive Election ? Term of office: 5 years, renewable once only ? Elected by Election Committee (800 members) Election Committee (2008) 1. Industrial, commercial and financial sectors (200) 3.Labour, social services, religious and other sectors (200) ? Section 3ââ¬âRule of law 2. The professions (200) 4. Political sector: members of LegCo, HK deputies to NPCâ⬠¦ (200) Article 45 of Basic Law ? The ultimate aim is the selection of CE by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures Latest development ? EC increases from 800 to 1200 ? 75 of 100 additional seats for political sector occupied by DC members ? ? Why EC is divided into different subsectors? ? Ensure balanced participation and broad representation ? Increases the legitimacy ( of government Expansion of EC ? Advantages ââ¬â Inc lude people from different sectors to elect CE ââ¬â EC composition resembles diff. sectors in society ? Reflect views of diff. people ? People more contented ? Fairly high legitimacy level of CE Disadvantages ââ¬â Not all people can cast vote in CE election ââ¬â People may think that electors in EC cannot fully represent their views ââ¬â Presence of corporate votes undermines the representativeness of EC ? Represent corporate interests but not general public interests No political competition in some sub-sector elections ? Weaken legitimacy of CE ? ? ? Small circle election
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Cultural Influences on Service: Chinese Travellers in France
CULTURAL INFLUENCES ON SERVICE- INTRODUCTION Culture has many definitions, and it affects everything people do in their society because of their ideas, values, attitudes, and normative or expected patterns of behaviour. By Mulholland Culture is a complex concept, and no single definition of it has achieved consensus in the literature. So, out of the many possible definitions examined, the following definition guides this study: culture is a set of shared and enduring meaning, values, and beliefs that characterize national, ethnic, or other groups and orient their behaviour.It is said that culture exists only by comparison. The country scores on the dimensions are relative ââ¬â societies are compared to other societies. Without make a comparison a country score is meaningless. These relative scores have been proven to be quite stable over decades. The forces that cause cultures to shift tend to be global or continent-wide. This means that they affect many countries at the same tim e, so that if their cultures shift, they shift together, and their relative positions remain the same (Hofstede, 2012).National culture is an important factor influencing expectations and perceptions of service quality and its satisfaction. Different cultural groups attach different importance to service quality criteria. Tourism is one of the many sectors of the economy, which services cater directly to tourist needs. However, tourists create demand for indirect services(financial, medical, electricity,.. ) as well. Resulting all of this, a tourism product is mostly a service rather than a tangible product.As far as service encounter, we define 3 process steps, which are: 1, interaction between the customer and the firm or service provider, 2,a period of time during which a provider and a customer confront each other, 3, a ââ¬Å"moment of truthâ⬠, which means the quality of the services offered to customer. We know three classes of service: the first one is a maintenance-inte ractive (e. g. fast food restaurant), second is task-interactive (e. g. banking services) and besides these two we define one more, personal-interactive services where belongs tourism.Services are in general defined by 6 key characteristics. Intangibility of services means that they can not be seen, touched and so on before use/ purchase. Heterogeneity is another characteristic that talks about services which vary because they are delivered by people-to-people. In tourism, services are firstly sold and subsequently consumed. This is called ââ¬Å"Inseparabilityâ⬠. Tourism services are perishable, they cannot be stored. They must be consumed at the point of production.When the tourist pays the price for tourist services, he or she pays for the benefits and experiences received, it doesnââ¬â¢t lead to ownership. The last characteristic is called ââ¬Å"People-based and personality-dependentâ⬠. Tourism, hospitality and leisure services are provided by people and for people . Very important thing about Cultural influences on service is a perception of service. Those are very subjective. When the customers? cultural expectations and needs are met, service quality is perceived as good and vice versa.Cultural differences in expectations from services vary from country to country. This means that what is supposed to be a good service in China, must not be good in USA. When we are talking about service quality, it refers to the appropriateness of assistance and support provides to a customer and the value and benefits received for the price paid. When it comes to reliability evaluation, the only two could be the price and physical environment. However it is difficult to evaluate by price as this is set up the producer.In order to facilitate the evaluation of service quality, several distinct quality dimensions were identified: (1) physical, (2) corporate, (3) interactive, (4) procedural, (5) convivial, (6) technical, (7) functional. The importance attached by customers to service quality criteria and dimensions differs among various cultures. Tourists from different countries have various expectations for the tangibles and empathy dimensions in terms of hotel service.There can be a problem with cultural differences and the mismatch between service quality expectations and perceptions of customers from foreign countries, and quality expectations and perceptions of domestic providers. Services are in general very specific and they have a lot of different characteristics. They are people based and so the cultural effect is very strong in this field. Different foreign tourists attach different importance to service quality criteria.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
What Qualities Will You Ook for in Your Future Husband or Wife
I am still studying but pretty soon I will be earning a living and thinking of getting married. Most people marry for love but all too often marriages break up because they have chosen unsuitable partners. It is therefore important for me to choose my future husband carefully as I want my marriage to be happy and to last. I realise my own imperfections and know that any romantic notions of marrying Mr World is out. Besides, physical perfection is no guarantee for inner beauty and mental strength which are more essential. Of course, I want my husband to be good-looking but he must be gregarious, with a pleasant personality and an ability to mix with everyone easily. He must be well-educated, at least up to degree. He must also be caring and be able to think independently. Some women like a submissive husband but I would like mine to stand up for his own point of view if he feels I am wrong. This, I think, would make for more exciting interaction and a meaningful relationship. Nevertheless, there must be some common ground. I love reading and have a wry sense of humour that few Malaysians appreciate. I therefore want a husband who has a good sense of humour and enjoys a good book, too. What intellectual discussion we could have, dissecting the short stories of Guy de Maupassant or admiring the glory and grandeur of Tolkienââ¬â¢s Middle Earth. Read also: ââ¬Å"My Ideal Wifeââ¬
Friday, September 13, 2019
Communication Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Communication Bachelor - Essay Example The whole societal forces have seen a shift as a result of development in the area of communications. Different theories have also been put forward with respect to communications and as the time passed by theories evolved to cover new aspects and in recent times they now expand to media and its role in the whole process of communication. Different theoretical models were put forward and the earliest model was a simple sender-channel-message-receiver model also known as transmission model. Most communication textbooks, including public speaking, begin with the transmission model of communication. Even today, it remains a valuable introductory model. This particular model was a straight chain and was not in the form of loop. So later, modifications added the concept of feedback, leading to a loop. Further developments in the theoretical models added dimensions to the role of receivers adding that receivers normally selectively perceive, interpret and retain messages. Shannon and Weaver put forward their theories in 1949 and their model was considered very important in further developments. Again in their model communication was considered as a linear, one-way process but they also made a difference between source and transmitter, and receiver and destination. So instead of single function they noted that there are two functions at the transmitting end and two at the receiving end. Criticism hurled at the model presented by Shannon and Weaver was the ignorance of the fact that communication process is often endless while they suggested a definite start and finish to the communication process. Decade of 50s brought in its wake further advancements for model-building, as fields of sociology and psychology developed. USA was the first country where the science of communication developed. Gerbner was among few who recognized the transactional nature of much communication that is the "intersubjectivity of communication". Additions to the earlier single chain or transactional communication model changed and experts started considering communication a matter of negotiation and cannot be predicted in advance. Later on developments of mass media, press, films and radio and political changes further accelerated mass communication research. Hence the focus shifted from communication to mass communication. As mass communication became important, different new models began to refer specifically to mass communication. Westley and Maclean were among earlier experts who put forward their views emphasizing the significance of audience demand rather than just the communicator's purpose. The decades of 1960s and 1970s saw the concentration moving away from the effects of the mass media on opinions, behavior and attitudes, and began to converge on the long-term and socializing impact of the mass media. Some were of the opinion that the audiences in this whole media game are active that is they can adopt or reject the guidelines offered by the mass media. However, another group considered audiences the victims of the media resulting in a suspicion of the mass media that continued through the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in relation to news selection and presentation. With further changes in the communication arena the boundaries separating mass communication
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Negotiation Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Negotiation Journal - Essay Example The outcome of a negotiation will often depend on the manner in which the parties carry out the negotiations. In order to engage meaningfully in any negotiation, it is necessary to develop a multi-pronged strategy that seeks to address some of the major concerns brought out by the competing parties. A good negotiator must begin from a clear and concise understanding of the issues at the center of the conflict. In many cases, this necessarily involves an awareness of the points of strengths and weaknesses of all the parties involved. A moderation of factual analysis of the issues and the power of persuasion is one of the ways that have always proven resourceful in the course of any negotiation. The art and science of negotiation entails the adoption of flexible approaches. The methods to be used in any negotiations should, in most cases, be determined by the specifics of the problem. Depending on the level of complexity of any situation, the process of negotiation may require the incl usion of the counsel of experts on some specific matters. The inclusion of expert opinions could serve to increase the cooperation of the parties involved in a conflict or disagreement because professional facts are always neutral. This strategy has often worked in negotiations that involve the settling of some technical details, which may not be easily comprehensible to one or more of the parties involved in a conflict. Finally, all negotiators must guard against the temptations of succumbing to presumptions, stereotypes, prejudice, or open bias. Such tendencies usually compromise their levels of neutrality and incur the displeasure and non-cooperation of some parties involved in negotiations. All negotiations should be carried out in sensitive and delicate processes, which involve clear attention to the core issues and the underlying concerns. The use of timelines while carrying out negotiations is an important strategy of measuring the amount of progress and success. In some case s, the process of negotiation may require occasional revision of strategies in order to fulfill certain desired
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Compare and contrast Code of Hammurabi and Tao Te Ching Essay
Compare and contrast Code of Hammurabi and Tao Te Ching - Essay Example Again, he advocated for self-mastery in that he considered one as having true power in mastering himself. He was outspoken to criticize those leader with high egos but rather cherished the works of leaders who inspired people to realize their capability and work to achieve success. He also had an advice to those who give up so easily when things get tough. He sees the reason and importance of perseverance in that by incorporating the quotation on the long journey starting by a single stride. From my analysis, an essential message can be derived from Taoââ¬â¢s works. Firstly, the philosopher naturally came out to present a reasoned source in his claims. Occasionally it is not always what that source is, however, it is not advisable to presume that he wrote strictly from his own view or urge. Taoââ¬â¢s thoughts were decisively supported and intricately linked. I think this is one of the reasons as to why his philosophical vision has been so successful. Tao Te Ching was strongly contributes to todayââ¬â¢s ethical catch-22, he provides solutions as well as causing such dilemmas. According to Tao Te Ching, human beings need to all live a unbiased life. Despite the fact that Tao and teaches about humans living in harmony, he does not reveal the penalty, and a strong base of correct and erroneous. He edifies that there truly no sin. This portrays how Taoââ¬â¢s verses lacked the moral sense hence he does not provide a basis for human to lay their lives on. Tao enlightens us on making ourselves happy rather than looking on to other people for us to find happiness. In comparison to Hammurabi who was a leader of the Babylonians, he enthusiastically understood the importance of justice. And in an effort to realize his goal, he required a single collective set of rules for all of the different kind people he dominated. Consequently, he sent legal
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Fungi as a source of food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fungi as a source of food - Essay Example There is vitamin d2 production when ergosterols in mushrooms are exposed to ultraviolet light. Fungi have certain interesting twists especially when one zeros down to the mushrooms. In the ancient Egypt for example, mushrooms were exclusively believed to be foods for the royalties. The unique flavors intrigued the powerful pharaohs to the extent of declaring them illegal for the commoners to consume. In china, Greece, Mexico, Russia and Latin America, the practice of mushroom rituals took place. They believed that mushrooms possessed properties capable of producing super human strengths. They also believed that mushrooms could help recover lost objects, and take the human soul to the presence of the gods (Phillips and Reid 62). Edible fungi like mushroom have been in consumption since the 18th century. France prides early leadership in the farming of mushrooms with certain accounts stating that Louis XIV being the first mushroom grower. Mushrooms were grown near Paris in special caves set aside for this activity. Mushroom farming later spread to England since the farmers there found it very easy to grow. It demanded low investments, less labor and space. Mushroom farming found its way to the United States in the 19th century though the growers there largely depended on the spawn they imported from England (Phillips and Reid 32). A book was published in 1891 shedding a lot of light on mushroom growing. Immediately after, the department of agriculture in the U.S allocated some money in research and produced a pure-culture virgin spawn cutting their dependency on imported spawn. The growth of mushroom production has since then achieved great development in the U.S. Recent research by scientists on hallucinogen psilocybin, which is an active ingredient in mushrooms, shows that one dose causes serious positive personality change in their patients. The changes were
Monday, September 9, 2019
Smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Smoking - Research Paper Example A person who smokes subtracts and average of 14 years from their lives and significantly lowers the quality of life in all the years they continue the habit. The countryââ¬â¢s economy loses as well, $75 billion in health care costs and $82 billion in productivity each year. ââ¬Å"Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disease, costing us too many lives, too many dollars and too many tears. If we are going to be serious about improving health and preventing disease we must continue to drive down tobacco use.â⬠(ââ¬Å"New Surgeon,â⬠2004) Smoking causes many negative health issues. Many were identified in 1964. A partial list includes lung, throat, mouth and bladder cancers, heart disease and chronic bronchitis. A 2004 report added stomach, kidney and pancreatic cancer, pneumonia and periodontitis among others. Statistics show that since 1964 more than 12 million Americans have died and another 25 million living today will likely die due to illnesses assoc iated with smoking. (ââ¬Å"Smokingâ⬠, 2004) COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, affects smokers almost exclusively. It cause severe breathing problems, slowing choking the sufferer until they finally succumb and die by asphyxiation. Cigarettes that are marketed as low tar and nicotine do not reduce the harmful effects of smoking. According to former Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, ââ¬Å"There is no safe cigarette, whether it is called ââ¬Ëlight,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëultraââ¬âlight,ââ¬â¢ or any other name.â⬠(ââ¬Å"New Surgeon,â⬠2004) Secondhand smoke (SHS), that which is inhaled by a non-smoker unlucky enough to be in the close vicinity of a smoker, has been shown to be a cancer causing agent and affects the non-smoker to at least the same degree as the smoker. Cigarette smoke has more than 4,000 chemicals and, maybe surprisingly, SHS contains 7,000, 250 of which have been found to be harmful and more
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Summary of Chapter 7 & 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summary of Chapter 7 & 8 - Essay Example During the late 19th century, the government used to force people to work in its coffee plantations, which accounted for a significant portion of its exports. Most of the reforms that have been established over the years have fallen due to dictatorship and frequent unrests. The CIA has been involved repeatedly in the violence experienced in Guatemala and in determining its leaders by overthrowing others. Some leaders have also resigned after the armed forces failed to protect them. In spite of an improvement in economic performance during the second phase of the 20th century, levels of unemployment continued to increase and poverty persisted due to unequal wealth distribution. In the urge to control the population, civilian murders increased to approximately 300 people per month. At the same time, the government perpetrated terrorism acts both towards the civilians and the opposition. Peace talks did not bear fruits for a long period as the government continued to victimize the citizens and the rebels. Whenever the US was involved in armed conflicts in the nation, it was blamed for the most violations of human rights. Several elections in the 19th and 20th centuries led to violence and presidents being overthrown following rigging allegations. Even after the end of the civil war, violence worsened especially in 2004 when an estimated 2,000 civilians, mostly women, were killed. The other crime forms exhibited in 2013 included corruption, drug trafficking, impunity, and extra judicial killings. Contemporary Guatemala has continued to experience persistent poverty and economic problems. The state of political landscape appears to be improving starting with p rosecution of presidents due to corruption. Rios Montt, a former head, was prosecuted and is presently serving 80 year sentence for genocide and crimes against humanity. However, organized crime persists in addition to trafficking of drugs. Guatemala remains a
Successful Marketing in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Successful Marketing in Japan - Essay Example This piece of paper addresses major factors that are to be considered by foreign businesses that intend to launch their lucrative business in Japan and explain what they should do to respond to the cultural myopia that prevails in Japan. Mastering the marketing in Japan Japan, being the second largest economy of the world, occupies a significant position in almost all industries and business activities worldwide. From the 1940s onwards, the country has been able to build a dominant, modern and internationally-oriented industrial economy which was based on innovative product designs, high quality production, advanced services, increased domestic consumption etc (Genzberger, 1994, p. 1). Japan is not only a strong economy in terms of production, exports, innovation, advanced services etc, but also a powerful market that large numbers of businesses from other countries seek opportunities in Japan. But, administering and mastering the marketing in Japan is considered to be a difficult ta sk. There are different barriers to marketing in Japan. Some of the major barriers to selling to Japan are import barriers, obstructive bureaucrats, non-transparent regulations, huge language barrier, conglomerate monopolies etc (Genzberger, 1994, p. 175). For any businessman from other countries to launch, run, operate and succeed in Japanââ¬â¢s market is therefore a difficult task, but there are many lucrative businesses that have strategically approached the market and found success in its path. As Reid (1999, p. 41) observed, even though Japanese market has long been considered to be obstructive to penetrate, experts on business in Japan have found that this is quite misleading. Various business strategies have been found to have helped foreign businesses in Japanââ¬â¢s market. Goodnow and Kosenko (1993) identified key strategies that North American companies used for marketing in Japan. Management philosophy, high technological capability, acceptance of Japanese subsidiar y etc are some of such effective strategies. Reid (1999, p. 41) pointed that foreign companies have not only succeeded in marketing in Japan, but also established leadership positions mainly in Japanese consumer products market. Many foreign players have turned to be established leaders in the Japanese market. For instance, Coca-Cola generates around 30 percent of its total profits from Japan, 70 percent of Dunhillââ¬â¢s sales are from Japanese people and IBM employs around 20,000 Japanese people. Factors to be considered by foreign corporations to conduct business in Japan Cost element While comparing the relative costs that may incur in marketing in different countries, it can be found that marketing in Japan is more costly than marketing in many other countries (Genzberger, 1994, p. 175). When it comes to various business expenditures, almost every thing including rent, salary, transportation, advertising, banking etc are highly expensive than that of other countries. Cost has been accounted to be 50 percent of all the reasons behind the failure of companies in marketing in Japan. For those corporate who have a quality product, advanced technology, innovations and more importantly those who are willing to undertake the high initial costs for market entry in the
Saturday, September 7, 2019
The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Essay Example for Free
The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Essay Beginning in the late 19th century and continuing to the early 20th century, many Chinese families struggled to gain social, economic, and educational stature in both China and the United States. In the book, A Transnational History of a Chinese Family, by Haiming Liu, we learn about the Chang family rooted in Kaiping County, China, who unlike many typical Chinese familiesââ¬â¢ exemplified hard-work and strong cultural values allowing them to pursue an exceptional Chinese-American lifestyle. Even with immigration laws preventing Chinese laborers and citizens to enter unless maintaining merchant status, Yitang and Sam Chang managed to sponsor approximately 40 relatives to the states with their businesses in herbalist medicine and asparagus farming. Though the Changââ¬â¢s encountered many of the hardships typical of Chinese families for the time, they relied on their outstanding work ethic so that their families would always be supported, receive the best possible education, and preserve family and kinship relationships to get them through the tough times and long periods of separation. America in the early 19th century was a place full of racial discrimination, and citizens were very unwelcoming to immigrants of other races. During this time period, they did not find the presence of these immigrants useful, and went as far as passing federal restrictions on immigration. For one race in particular, the Chinese, there were very high restrictions in place. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which we discussed in lecture, banned almost all Chinese laborers and their families from entering the U. S for 10 years. Some changes were made, and the Act was passed again as in 1892 as the Geary Act, but it was not completely repealed until 1942. Luckily, being an herbalist, Yitang Chang was classified as a merchant, and this allowed them to immigrate into America since they were not laborers. This classification was a sign of an educated Chinese man, a quality many Chinese laborers and immigrants did not possess. Yitang was eventually able to bring over family members to help with his business once he was settled. He first called upon his son Sam Chang to travel across the Pacific and assist him in the family business, giving him the opportunity to further support his family. MENTION WORK ETHIC AND HOW THIS RELATES TO THE CHANGS IMMIGRATION PROCESS, SOCIETY ALREADY AGAINST THEM Along with the Exclusion Act barring further immigration, immigrants who were already in America had to work around another restriction known as the Alien Land Act, which we also discussed in class. This prohibits both Chinese and Japanese immigrants from owning or leasing land unless they were American-born. This made it arduous for families, as it forced them to rely on those family members who were citizens to register the land under their name, which made their kinship and appreciation for each other stronger. The Chang family had registered their land under Samââ¬â¢s third and fourth daughters names as they were both American citizens, but not all families were privileged enough to have those members to fall back on. With all the discrimination the Chinese race was suffering in America, Yitang sought it to be best if his wife and kids stayed in China until he could make a better life in America. Yitang and Sam Chang were successful in starting up an herbalist shop and asparagus farm and quickly realized there were many advantages to owning them, both socially and economically. Owning an herbalist shop provided cures and treatments for illness and other various diseases by using holistic medicine. It put the Changââ¬â¢s in constant contact with both Chinese and Americans looking to him for help in his area of expertise. This was a reverse encounter many immigrants never experienced. Patients realized the risks of this profession, as it dealt with human health, and they began to feel how beneficial these herbs were to their own health. After earning a positive reputation in the community, the Changs began to form relationships and friendships with people in a higher social class, one in which they strived for. These relationships he would later be able utilize in testimony when helping his family migrate to the U. S, a key role in the economic success of the businesses. Like we discussed in lecture, most Chinese immigrants were laborers and did not receive many pleasant encounters with white men. Although Yitang was seen by many Americans as a valuable Chinese immigrant, he and his family members still received discrimination other immigrants had to face. Their thriving asparagus farm did not have as many social benefits as the herbalist business did, but the farm was their main source of income, and with this they were able to provide for their families while living transnationally. Once the Chang family moved into Los Angeles and had their herbalist shop and asparagus farm under way, they realized the need for more laborers. In order to support their wives and kids with groceries, clothing, and education, the Changââ¬â¢s needed to find the cheapest labor possible while still establishing the farm as a business that could support their income. The cheapest laborers were relatives, and they were for the most part thankful to come and work for Yitang, even if it was not their ideal working situation. One frustration Sam expressed in the book that may correlate to the continuing poor treatment and vision of the Chinese, is that within the Chinese workforce, most hard-working laborers in the railroad, farming, mining, and foresting businesses were almost 50 years or older and sent a majority of their earnings back to their families in China. Meanwhile, the younger Chinese generations were involved in gambling, restaurants, and laundries as they did not have the willpower to spend long days in the sun working in the fields, and knowingly allowed their elders to partake in much harder work than they had. This was viewed by many as un-filial, especially from a culture so embodied with ââ¬Ëfilial pietyââ¬â¢, which is a virtue of respect for ones parents and ancestors. This did not seem to be the case with the Japanese-Americans however, who regardless of their age, dedicated so much hard-work to the farming and grocery business. Sam writes in a letter home, ââ¬Å"While the Japanese have made much progress, the Chinese have achieved downward rather than upward mobility,â⬠and refers to the younger Chinese generations as ââ¬Å"parasitesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"lazy bones. â⬠Sam was intelligent enough and quickly figured out the importance of weeding out the unproductive workers who complained too often, and keeping the ones who complained from time to time but whose work reflected dedication. To Samââ¬â¢s surprise, even a few of the younger Chang relatives who were sponsored to help on the farm complained often and did not show as much commitment as Sam had expected. It was apparent when workers, especially family members did not share the same interest in the goals of the farming business and were solely concerned with making their wages and returning back to their families as soon as possible. This occurrence was very rare in the Chinese culture, as one of their main values is the strength of their kinship relationships. In the Chinese culture the word ââ¬Å"kinshipâ⬠refers to the entire family, including extended family. Not all Chinese businesses encountered this struggle with diligence, while some failed under the lack of perseverance, and the ones that did, play a role in the different views Americans had of Chinese people compared to the Japanese. While some of the kinship relationships in the Chang family were slightly severed, most family members who were given the opportunity to work on the asparagus farm saw it as an honor and were thankful to be sponsored by Yitang. Unfortunately, and fortunately, Yitang acquired many of the relative workers due to family unrest in China. While returning home for a visit four years after his initial trip to America, there were family conflicts where they were fighting over land and ended up spliing into two different kinship organizations. The arguments resulted in outrage and sometimes violence. Yitang finally urged his kinship to move out of the province to a safer area until he could get them to the U. S. This shows how rural families, the Chang family in particular, would move from time to time depending on their social and economic situations in order to strengthen their family success and kinship relationships in the migration process. Many Chinese businesses were not as successful as the Changââ¬â¢s. Struggles arose because families could not make enough of a profit with just one farm of agriculture and did not have the resources or money to purchase more land or hire workers. The Chang family, having their herbalist medicine shop was crucial to their success. Although the farming generated more revenue, the family members who were sponsored to America came in as merchants claiming work at Yitangââ¬â¢s herbalist shop. They eventually maintained another asparagus farm and generated enough of a profit to further educate their children and grandchildren so they could have lives just as fulfilling, which in the Chinese culture was the greatest honor a parent could feel. Education for the Chinese was the most important achievement and was the gateway to all the success the Chang family incurred on their transnational voyage. It all started with Yitang as a young herbalist mentor and only after years of schooling and experience gained enough confidence to travel to America to open his own shop in Los Angeles. With having the experiences he did and knowing how important education is in reaching your goals, he strived to instill the desire to receive the best education possible in all his children and grandchildren. Self-sacrifice of the parents obliged the children to work vigorously in school in hopes of pursuing a good career that allowed them social mobility. The Chang family benefitted greatly from having received educational opportunities in both China and America. Education for most started in China where they received basic Chinese literacy schooling, but they would eventually leave home to attend more advanced schools in other towns or cities. Samââ¬â¢s son Tennyson and daughter Constance were paid more attention to in this book in regards to education. Both were born in China and while Tennyson stayed there throughout his entire schooling and career, Constance went to America for part of her schooling, but then returned to China for a college education. While attaining an education in the early 20th century America was cheaper for the Chang family, it was not necessarily the best choice for their ideals and overall morale. Sam believed that it was important to have a well-versed knowledge and understanding of the Chinese culture and education as well as having an English educational background. Because of this, Tennyson who remained in China and never had the exposure to the English language that Constance did, searched for someone to come and teach him English. The Chang family stressed being culturally diverse, but when it came down to it also stressed looking into a future in China as the economic and social opportunities were far more vast and accommodating. Many Chinese-American children attended school in America their whole life, and it was known that secondary school campuses were not a very suitable environment for young children, women in particular. At this age kids are very impressionable and the values that American born Chinese possessed were different than the naturalized Chinese citizens. While Sam never personally saw his own daughter struggle with low self-esteem, or harassment by men, the general consensus was that the children were very impressionable and for this reason he made the tough decision to send Constance back to China for her senior high, and college. While low self-esteem wasnââ¬â¢t a huge worry for Sam with Constantine, children that did suffer from it tended to come from and surround themselves with people of lower social classes. Yitang and Sam made the choice to surround themselves with wealthy, educated, upper-class Chinese and even Americans during their stay in the states, and they only hoped to encourage their children to want the same as it helps maintains important relationships, and a healthy, determined mind. In Samââ¬â¢s decision to send Constantine back to China it is apparent that the cultural values and aspects gave way to the economic aspects. The position of higher social status of the Chang family in both China and America is an example of how the Chang family was not your typical Chinese immigrant family. During the years of Yitangââ¬â¢s stay in America his kinship relations and commitment to home never changed. His transnational achievements were not internally gratifying for only Yitang, but also for the whole Chang lineage. Due to his major successes obtained while abroad, family members in China built an ancestral hall in his honor. Ancestral halls were usually constructed after someone has passed, so the proposal for it to be constructed during his life further illuminates just how highly regarded he was in the Chang family. [ 1 ]. Haiming Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration (New Brunswick, N. J. : Rutgers University Press, 2005), 117. [ 2 ]. Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 117. [ 3 ]. Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 2. [ 4 ]. Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 36. [ 5 ]. Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 126. [ 6 ]. Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 43.
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